

0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four

5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine

10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen

14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen

17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen

20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two

23 twenty-three

30 thirty 32 thirty-two 40 forty

50 fifty 60 sixty

70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety

100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one

156 one hundred and fifty-six

192 one hundred and ninety-two

200 two hundred 300 three hundred

400 four hundred 500 five hundred …

1,000 one thousand

1,001 one thousand and one

1,300 thirteen hundred; one thousand and three hundred

2,000 two thousand

2,034 two thousand and thirty-four

6,502 six thousand five hundred and two

45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two

500,000 five hundred thousand

1,000,000 one million

3,123,400 three million, one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred

8,000,000 eight million

47,000,000 forty-seven million

900,000,000 nine hundred million

1,000,000,000 a milliard, one milliard(美作:a billion, one billion)

1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million

10,000,000,000 ten billion

200,000,000,000 two hundred billion

1,000,000,000,000 one thousand billion(美作:a trillion, one trillion)



first第一 second第二 第三,third

fourth第四 fifth第五 第六,sixth

seventh第七 eighth第八 Ninth第九

tenth第十 eleventh第十一

twelfth第十二 thirtententh第十三

fourtenth第十四 fiftententh第十五

sixtententh第166 seventententh第十七

eightententh第188 ninetententh第十九

twentieth第二十二十 twenty-first第二十一

twenty-second第二十二十二十二 twenty-二十三third

thirtieth第三十十 thirty-first第三十一

fortieth第四十十 fiftieth第五十十 sixtieth第六十十

seventieth第700 eightieth第八十十十

Ninetieth第九十十 (one)hundredth第100

(one)hundred and first第1001

hundred and thirty-fourth第134

two-hundredth 第二百

three-hundredth 第三百

four-hundredth 第四百

five-hundredth 第五百

six-hundredth 第六百

seven-hundredth 第七百

eight-hundredth 第八百

nine-hundredth 第九百

(one)thousandth 第一千

thousand and first 第一千零一

two thousand and thirty-fourth 二千零三十四

ten thousandth 第一万

(one)millionth 第一百万(美作:billionth)

billionth 十亿(美作:trillionth)



1/2 : one-half; a half 1/3 : one-third

3/4 : three-fourths 1/5 : one-fifth

2/5 : two-fifths 1/10 : one-tenth; a tenth

1/100 : one-hundredth; one per cent

1/1000 : one-thousandth

1/10000 : one ten-thousandth

100% : one hundred per cent

0.5% : point five per cent

0.46% : point four six per cent

2.05 : two point nought five; two point O five

6.003 : six point nought nought three; six point O O three

78.12 : seventy-eight point one two



如果“十月一日”可以写成 October 1, October 1st,

1 October, 1st October, (the) 1st of October 等,

表示月份的词也可以缩略,比如 Oct. 1, 1 Oct.,

但在口语中通常只有两种读法 October (the) first或the first of October。


【注】日期和周期排列时,通常是周在前,日期在后。例如:He arrived on Friday, May 10. 他于5月10日(星期五)到达。

1月 2月份January February3月份 4月份的March April

5月 May6月 June7月 July8月 August

9月 September10月 October11月 November12月 December







上午8点eight AM (a.m.)

下午9点nine PM (p.m.)

六点六分six six 六点三十二six thirty two

八点正eight o’clock


八点四十五a quarter to nine

七点零五分five past seven

七点五十四six to eight

六点半half past six


十一点正at 11 o’clock sharp

at 11 o’clock on the hour

at 11 o’clock on the strike

正午12点at noon

午夜12点at midnight

(注:12:22可读作品:twelve twenty-two:twenty-two past twelve(英语);twenty-two after twelve(美式)

1点15可读作:one fifteen;a quarter past one(英语):a quarter after one(美英说法)

8:50可读作品:eight fifty;ten to nine(英语);ten before nine(美式)

1:40可读作:one forty;twenty to two(英语);twenty before two(美式)“提前半小时”可用:half an hour early;thirty minutes early;early by half an hour;half an hour ahead of time;half an hour ahead of schedule等表示。)


英国货币:penny(便士)/pence (penny复数),pound (£)

£20.50:twenty pounds fifty pence,也可以简单地写:twenty fifty



1 dollar= 100 cents

(S|1.00=one dollar)

(S|2.00=two dollars)

25美分1 quarter 10美分1 dime

5美元1 nickel 1美分1 penny

S|15.95:fifteen dollars ninety-five cents,或fifteen ninety-five.

(注:表示正常价格:regular price, normal price.

表示价格划算:a good buy, a better buy, an excellent price, a good price/ bargain.

这意味着价格更贵:dear, expensive, more expensive, steep.

表示价格便宜:cheap, inexpensive, bargain price, less expensive.

表示减价出售:sale price, on sale, garage sale, Christmas sale, special price.}词组:discount, half, double, cut off, knock off, twice as much as ,cross off, etc.)


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上一篇 2023年4月22日 上午3:14
下一篇 2023年4月22日 上午3:25


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